Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Moral Pedistal and Racism part 1

     If something is funny, but it doesn't agree with your personal views, it doesn't mean it's not funny.  As my husband would put it, funny IS funny.

     I am Asian.  I love when I make a humorous, but slightly racist joke about myself, in decent taste (I would never fool myself into thinking I have good taste) about Asians and their culture, ie: if someone asks why I can't see something properly saying that it's because my eyes are squinty or hadn't they noticed?  I love the people who say, 'you really shouldn't say that, it's racist and offensive.'  Offensive to who?  When did people who are Caucasian or otherwise, it doesn't matter what you are, climb onto their moral pedestal and determine what is and isn't offensive to a group of people that THEY don't even belong to?!?  I grew up always being a minority.
     I mean in the last Census there were only 2.4% of Asians in the entire country.  Plus I'm female.  Plus I'm tall, so I don't even fall into the Asian stereotype.  Looking from a stereotyping point of view I am a loner on all aspects.  I'm not white, I'm not male, I'm not a short, tiny, petite little China doll.  I don't fit into any majority any which way.  The only Asian stereotype I truly fall under is that I am good at math and I like videogames.  But since when do other people get off telling me that I should be personally offended by the statement I made about myself? 

       I have spent my entire life as a minority, but I just let comments roll off my back.  My motto: If someone didn't mean a comment in a derogatory manner then don't take it offensively.  For instance a family friend recently posted a picture of the White House Photoshopped black because Obama is President.  It was funny.  I laughed very hard at that.  There was also some racist comment attached to it which was very funny as well.  However, if every white person in the world were to take it offensively it would be outrageous.  Not to mention if a white person reposted that same picture, there would be thousands of black folk outraged at it.

I sang my husband a song once that I learned in Sunday School as a kid that goes, ' Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.  Red and Yellow, Black and White they are precious in his site, Jesus loves the little children of the world.'  My husband's reaction was 'that is the most racist thing I have ever heard in my life.'  And it's true if you look at it that way.  Is there still racism in the world?  Of course there is.  No one on this entire planet is going to say to themselves, 'gee, white/asian/black/indian/native american/australian/middle eastern(I think you get my point) people are so much better than us.  I sure did get born with the wrong gene pool here.'  No!  That's kind of ridiculous isn't it? 

More of this rant later

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